Place Puller Vehicle Distance
1 Scott Bracken Outlaw 328.01
2 Jim Bracken Outlaw Red 315.08
3 Xander Metcalf Plowboy Express 312.03
4 Craig Ogle Anything Goes 295.03
5 Bo Enright Impatient 292.10

Place Puller Vehicle Distance
1 Paul Knight Modified Massey 323.10
2 Austin Potter Sub Zero Deere 305.08
3 Brad Summers Summer Storm 102.03

Place Puller Vehicle Distance
1 Haylee Schreier Red Royal Lite 313.09
2 Jason McCoy VooDoo 313.04
3 Ronnie Greene Basket Case 311.04
4 Jim Levy Modified Massey 304.02
5 Austin Potter Sub Zero Deere 302.08

Place Puller Vehicle Distance
1 Russ Harms In Harms Way 338.00
2 Chris Moretine High Expectation 337.04
3 Taylor Johnson Ma's Money 336.09
4 Tanner Williams Iron Will 329.03
5 Chris Hunziker Hail Damage 322.09
6 John Kapps Smokin' Parts 317.00
7 Jonathan Hege Shot In The Dark 310.00
8 Cody Armstrong Ex's Obsession 257.02
9 Austin Potter Fluffy 208.06
10 Cherokee Little Somethin' to Prove 128.09
11 Cody Winchester 2003 Chevrolet 83.00

Place Puller Vehicle Distance
1 John Shorten Old School Binder 330.03
2 Larry Greene Iron Eagle 330.02
3 Tim Wiederholt Little Wied 325.10
4 Scott Wiederholt Smokin' Wied 319.04
5 Ty Swisher Smokin' Swishers 319.03
6 Art Simms Osage Deere 316.07
7 Bruce White 1066 IH 307.07
8 Robbie Lefevre High On Red 305.01


Missouri State Tractor Pullers Association. All Rights Reserved.